Wisdom teeth, also popularly referred to as 20-year-old teeth, are the last decayed adult teeth. 20-Year-old teeth with molars located at the very back of the jaw usually lead to pain, abscess formation and discomfort in most individuals due to the fact that they do not adapt to the structure of the jaw. For this reason, many wisdom teeth need to be removed by tooth extraction or dental surgeries. The problems in question are caused by the fact that there is not enough space in the jaw for the wisdom teeth to come out. In addition to the severe pain caused by it, it can also lead to a deterioration in the structure of the jaw and adversely affect the health of other teeth located in its neighborhood. For this reason, when the wisdom teeth start to come out, it is useful to undergo a checkup in consultation with dentists. Wisdom teeth do not need to be pulled out in individuals with a suitable jaw structure. In some cases, because the wisdom teeth come out at the wrong angle due to the improper jaw structure, they may remain impacterd in the gum and may not be visible when viewed from the outside. These teeth, called impacted wisdom teeth, are usually manifested by the pain they cause. In order not to adversely affect the structure of the jaw and teeth, to prevent unwanted problems such as abscesses, a dentist’s examination should be performed regularly. With a regular dental examination, the onset and development of wisdom teeth can be monitored, and if there is a negative, the teeth can be removed without harming oral and dental health.


Tooth development begins with milk teeth, which have a total of 20 pieces, including 10 at the bottom and 10 at the top, which are completed between dec months and 3 years of age in infancy. Then, from the age of 9-10, the milk teeth gradually fall out and are replaced by adult teeth. 28 of the adult teeth (main teeth), of which there should be 32 in total, are completed in childhood and early adolescence. The remaining 4 large molars are wisdom teeth located at the very back of the lower and upper jaws. As the name suggests, these teeth that come out around the age of 20 usually cannot come out in a healthy way. It can remain buried or semi-buried, as well as cause many other disadvantages, such as compressing the gums inside the mouth due to insufficient space, damaging other teeth, causing pain. In individuals with a suitable jaw structure and sufficient outlet space behind large molars for wisdom teeth, these teeth do not cause any problems. However, even in individuals who regularly perform oral and dental care, their wisdom teeth, which are located far back, in a difficult-to-reach position, may not be cleaned adequately. For such reasons, wisdom teeth may need to be removed surgically in some cases if they are pulled out or impacted.


Wisdom teeth, which can find enough space in the gums and come out as they should, develop in a healthy way and do not cause any signs of discomfort. But the wisdom teeth of most individuals cause problems due to the lack of this area. Common symptoms that occur during the exit of wisdom teeth or their embedded stay are the following:

.Pain in the teeth and gums,

.Gingival sensitivity,

.Pains that hit the jaw and ear,

.Swelling of the lymph nodes,


.Bad smell in the mouth,

.Feeling pain when chewing,

A large part of such symptoms in individuals aged 17-25 years is caused by wisdom teeth and the complications caused by these teeth. Therefore, individuals who experience these complaints should contact a dentist.


A dental X-ray is usually taken during an oral and dental examination performed in individuals showing wisdom tooth pain and other symptoms. This X-ray allows you to get clear images of the bone structures, angles and embedded teeth, as well as the roots of all teeth. Wisdom teeth that are invisible from the outside, horizontally protruding or half impacted can be examined on the X-ray. If teeth that need to be removed are detected during an X-ray examination, it can also be decided whether they should be removed in the form of an ordinary tooth extraction or by surgical operation. Some impacted teeth can cause conditions such as infection, cyst formation. In case of such a situation, it may be necessary to apply medication treatments for them before making an appointment for tooth extraction.


Impacted, half-impacted, or inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth cramped (perikoronit), due to a buildup of nutrients, bad breath and tooth decay in the root of the neighboring teeth and enamel tissue loss (resorption) can lead to various dental problems such as. For this reason, it is necessary to remove half-impacted and impacted teeth, as well as wisdom teeth that come out at a right angle, but create tightness in the mouth. How to remove the wisdom tooth can be done by looking at the X-ray images. Wisdom teeth that have come out at the right angle and need to be pulled out due to problems such as tightness or caries can be pulled out just like any other tooth extraction. In this case, no surgical operation is required. But very few of the problematic wisdom teeth can be pulled out in this way. A larger part of it has to be removed with the help of surgical interventions called wisdom tooth surgery.


How to perform wisdom tooth surgery is completely decided by the position of the tooth seen on the X-ray images. In cases where the wisdom tooth is located in the gum, and the tooth roots are impacted in the jawbone, it is usually not possible to remove the tooth in one piece. The wisdom tooth, which will be pulled out in these cases, is divided into several parts by the dentist and pulled in this way. Another method is to make an incision in the gum so that the tooth can be pulled out. With the help of this incision, the tooth can be pulled out much more conveniently. After tooth extraction and cleaning of the area, a suture is placed on the gum. These seams should be removed after a certain period of time after the operation. Such surgical operations fall under the specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgeons. How long the operation under local anesthesia will take may vary depending on the location of the tooth and the number of teeth to be removed. It is normal for individuals with wisdom tooth surgery to have blood leakage at the surgery site for a certain period of time. During the period recommended by the doctor to ensure clotting at the site of the operation, food should not be eaten and water should not be drunk. After the operation, swelling may occur in the area, severe pain may develop with the passage of the effect of anesthesia. In this case, it is beneficial to use painkillers prescribed by the attending physician. The area where the tooth is pulled should not be touched by hand or tongue, the other side of the mouth should be used when eating. Smoking should also be avoided for the first 24 hours, as it will increase bleeding. Ice compresses can be used to relieve swelling.

If you are experiencing similar toothaches problems, you can contact your dentist and undergo an examination. You can prevent damage to your other teeth and protect your oral and dental health by ensuring that your problematic wisdom teeth are pulled out in a timely manner.