Various problems that threaten oral health can make tooth extraction mandatory. Problems such as excessive tooth decay, dental infection, operations associated with orthodontic treatment may require tooth extraction. In addition, people who have undergone chemotherapy or had an organ transplant may need a tooth extraction to maintain oral health.

While many patients experience pain problems before the extraction, the correct application of tooth extraction is almost painless and has a fast recovery period. Patients can resume their normal functions within a reasonable period of time after the tooth extraction. Experience is important when it comes to all medical conditions, not just oral health conditions. In our polyclinic equipped with modern equipment, you can safely have a tooth extraction with specialist doctors.


Removal of visible teeth can be done with a simple extraction procedure, while teeth that break or remain under the surface may require a more serious surgical operation. Before starting treatment, the doctor will take an X-ray of your tooth. Antibiotics may be prescribed prior to the extraction to ensure that all conditions are stable or treated.

Tooth extraction can be performed simply or surgically, depending on whether your tooth is visible or affected. Most of the visible teeth can be removed with a simple extraction process. The doctor will inject a local anesthetic to numb the area and prevent you from feeling pain, and use a tool called an elevator to shake the tooth back and forth. After the tooth is loosened, it is carefully removed with forceps. This procedure typically requires only local anesthesia (injection) and usually takes only a few minutes. After the tooth is removed, a blood clot forms in the cavity formed. The doctor will fill the cavity with a gauze swab to stop bleeding.

More complex techniques and a surgical extraction may be required in the following cases:

  • If the tooth is broken on the gum line,
  • If the tooth has not yet reached the visible level,
  • If the tooth has wide or curved roots.

Combined anesthesia applications can be performed during a surgical tooth extraction. Both methods are almost painless, despite the feeling of pressure or withdrawal.


Although dental care differs depending on the type of tooth extraction, you can usually expect to recover within 7 to 10 days. In this process, it is important that you do your best to keep the blood clot that forms at the site of the pulled tooth in place because the blood clot will help rebuild the tissue. The dislocation of the clot can cause a complication called dry socket, which can be quite painful.

Managing pain after tooth extraction is a top priority because most people feel some discomfort or pain after tooth extraction. Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to treat or prevent infection. The application of ice can reduce any swelling on the chin or cheeks. In general, swelling and bleeding persist until just a day or two after tooth extraction. As for the pains caused by tooth extraction, they stop after a few days.