The key to self-confidence, the beginning of positive energy, the perfect magic of human expression and happiness begins with a smile.

Hollywood Smile  : What is it ?

The Hollywood Smile is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that aims to correct all aesthetic problems related to the smile. The Hollywood Smile is intended for men and women who wish to have a bright, flawless smile for professional and personal purposes. Thanks to the combination of several techniques, the Hollywood Smile can correct smile imperfections ranging from misalignment to lack of whiteness through the addition of missing teeth.

The Hollywood Smile does not stop there, in fact; the placement of dental veneers and the gum smile is also treated as part of the Hollywood Smile.

With Hollywood Smile, you’ll get the look you’ve been dreaming of and you’ll regain your self-confidence and go on with your life with positive energy.

If you have any of the following problems, it’s time to see a dentist so you can smile freely!

– Do you hide your smile when someone takes your picture?

– Do you cover your mouth with your hand while laughing?

– Are there fillings and cavities in your front teeth?

– Are your teeth not as white as you would like them to be?

– Are there gaps between your front teeth?

– Does the size of your teeth bother you?

– When you smile, are your gums very visible and your lip cannot cover your gums sufficiently?

– Do you have crowded and uneven teeth?

– Would you like to have someone else’s smile?

What are the different techniques used ?

To achieve whiter teeth, a proportional smile and a healthy mouth, the Hollywood Smile relies on a series of cosmetic dentistry techniques selected (placement of implants, dental crowns or dental veneers) according to the patient’s needs.

Hollywood Smile procedure

The first step in getting a Hollywood Smile is to perform an oral health exam. Before a Hollywood Smile, it is essential that your teeth are healthy. Therefore, it will be necessary to treat dental cavities and periodontal tissues.

The different steps of Hollywood Smile procedure differ from patient to patient depending on their needs and the initial condition of their teeth. A patient who needs dental implants will not follow the same procedures as a patient who only needs veneers for getting a Hollywood Smile. Hollywood Smile procedure is tailored to everyone for a personalized result.